There will be two each, $1,000 scholarships awarded yearly by the Knights of Columbus Council 1586 to a senior with plans to attend college or a university. The scholarship is to be used to meet their college expenses.

The Award:
Any senior in good standing with plans to attend a college or a university after high school may apply. The student must meet the following criteria.
• Must be a member of the Catholic community.
• Must be in good standing academically (C average or better)
• Participates in school activities, athletics, student government, debate, and/or similar extracurricular activities.
• Must be in good standing academically (C average or better)
• Participates in school activities, athletics, student government, debate, and/or similar extracurricular activities.
• Please type or print the information requested.
• Submit the completed application, with a copy of your transcript, to the School Principal or Scholarship Chairperson for their comments.
• Also, please send at least one letter of recommendation (from someone other than a family member) and one letter or recommendation from your high school counselor.
• The final date for filing the application, along with the supporting documentation is April 20. There will be no exceptions.
• Submit the completed application, with a copy of your transcript, to the School Principal or Scholarship Chairperson for their comments.
• Also, please send at least one letter of recommendation (from someone other than a family member) and one letter or recommendation from your high school counselor.
• The final date for filing the application, along with the supporting documentation is April 20. There will be no exceptions.