STEVE MORRIS | Knight of Columbus

The Camino de Sonoma is a healing path every footstep acts as a prayer for healing. Recently the Camino has seen over 30,000,000 prayers placed upon it.
Pilgrims naturally carry their burdens on the way, in Sonoma, Santiago, or other pilgrimages across the world. They mourn the loss of loved ones or are looking for a life-reset, to find a fresh start as they feel heavy from everyday life stressors. Our Easter season is the quintessential marker of these same sentiments. We lay our crosses down for healing, for resurrection. Christ’s resurrection declares victory over death, all things new.
My youngest heard us talking about death recently, she didn’t like us talking about it, said she, “was scared.” We were caught by surprise because unfortunately she’s familiar with funerals and saying goodbye to people. For example by age 4 she had already attended both of her God parents’ funerals, unexpected and awful losses for us.
The only consultation we could provide her was that fear was natural, but that is where the Joy of Easter reigns: Christ victory over death. No more tears, nothing to be afraid of anymore because we start anew. We are healed. I often reflect on comforting words from Bishop Vasa when considering the scars of my past sins and the anxieties of tomorrow, “God gives us the grace to deal with the present, it is an evil that torments you with anxieties about what will come.”
My youngest heard us talking about death recently, she didn’t like us talking about it, said she, “was scared.” We were caught by surprise because unfortunately she’s familiar with funerals and saying goodbye to people. For example by age 4 she had already attended both of her God parents’ funerals, unexpected and awful losses for us.
The only consultation we could provide her was that fear was natural, but that is where the Joy of Easter reigns: Christ victory over death. No more tears, nothing to be afraid of anymore because we start anew. We are healed. I often reflect on comforting words from Bishop Vasa when considering the scars of my past sins and the anxieties of tomorrow, “God gives us the grace to deal with the present, it is an evil that torments you with anxieties about what will come.”
Pilgrimage CALENDAR
Nov. 12 | St. Philip Eastern Orthodox Feast Day
Estimated 13 miles
Estimated 13 miles
Call Stephen Morris (310) 849-2342
Call Stephen Morris (310) 849-2342